Thanks to all members who came along to the AGM at Broomfield on the 22nd May.

An extraordinary meeting of the committee has taken place this week because we were not able to fill the mandatory post of Secretary during the AGM. At this meeting Ian stood down as Treasurer and was co-opted onto the committee as Secretary. Andy Holmes was co-opted onto the committee as Treasurer. Both will serve in these roles until the September GM when they can decide to stand for full election by the members, or step down.

The 2014-15 Committee is now as follows:


Sam Jenkins


Ian Smedley (co-opted to Sept GM)


Andy Holmes(co-opted to Sept GM)

Operations Manager

Hal MacLean

Communications Officer

Luke Barnard

Membership Development Officer


Both a Secretary and a Treasurer must be elected at the September GM for HRC to continue. Please could you consider whether you are willing to stand for one of these roles?

We really need to find a new Communications Officer as quickly as possible. As we go through the 50th anniversary year and considerable internal development over the next few months, it’s essential to have a Communications Officer steering a team to take care of both internal communications to members (bulletins, emails, Facebook members group) and external communications to the patients, the Trust and the outside world (press coverage, marketing materials such as flyers and posters, Facebook page, Twitter feed). Even if you couldn’t take on all this yourself – could you lead a small team that delivers? We are a communications organisation – this role is crucial to HRC.

The committee has also decided that the role of Fundraiser will not be filled for the time being. All members are responsible for playing their part in fundraising activities and should not expect a Fundraiser to do it for them. When we replace our mixing desks, create the green room and spend money getting out into the community, there will be no ‘comfort zone’ of reserves in the bank – so, please be ready to contribute ideas and back them up by joining small project teams for specific events.

We are also pleased to confirm that Adam Ravenscroft has volunteered to lead a team creating the 50th Anniversary special edition of the Smile Magazine. If you would like to be involved in this team, please contact Adam or email Sam ( and she will pass your details onto Adam.

The AGM introduced a new management structure as follows:

Jobs that report to the Operations Manager (formerly Station Manager):

Head of Output
who will need to appoint / confirm:
• Presenters
• Critiquing team
• HBA Awards Producer

Head of Content
who will need to appoint / confirm:
• Myriad schedulers
• Team of people collecting material from healthcare and community groups
• Downloads and Podcasts Manager
• Music Librarian
• Production Manager

Chief Engineer
who will need to lead the Engineering team

Duty Officers – currently Rich Denman, Jon Curtis, Joanne Richards, Kevin Lodge, Dave Hurrell, David Moffat and Hal MacLean.

Jobs that report to the Communications Officer:

Website and Social Media Manager – currently Mark Grantham
Smile Magazine Editor – Adam Ravenscoft appointed.

Following the AGM, we would like to ensure that the non-exec roles are filled as quickly as possible. We’ve extended the deadline in fairness to those members who have been on holiday or unavailable. The process is:

• Non-executive role holders who want to continue in their position must make this known to Hal MacLean by 5pm on Tuesday 10th June. If you don’t confirm by this time, it will unclear whether you want to continue.
• Any other Full member who wants to be considered for a non-executive role should make this known to Hal MacLean by 5pm on Tuesday 10th June. You need to provide a brief statement of your skills and experience that makes you suitable for the role; there isn’t a formal application form.
• The Committee will consider all applications and where necessary speak to the various applicants or carry out interviews in the interest of fairness.
• The Committee will complete this process by June 30th so all non-executive roles can be announced to the membership.
• Announcements of earlier appointments will be made where appropriate.

More information on the Head of Output and Head of Content roles can be found on the document store, or by speaking to Hal.

Whatever you do, don’t delay – we really need to get the new management of HRC in place. If you can help, now is the time to step up to the plate and join the team.

And Finally

The Tour de France is coming to Essex on Monday 7th July. We’d really like to create some special programming on the day so that patients don’t miss out on the once in a lifetime event of the world’s largest spectator event on their doorstep.

If you’d like to be involved in a team to cover the Tour, please could you contact Sam as soon as possible.

