Thank you for your ongoing support regarding members not request collecting. I have now met with the Trust and we have put into place some new policies and procedures to protect all on-going members of HRC and also for those new members who may join us. There may be some constitutional or rules of membership changes needed but we will look at the impact of these new procedure and changes the next few weeks and plan from there.
These changes will mean that we will come under the Trust’s wing for Safe Guarding issues and also comply with changes in legislation. We are duty bound to protect – you the Members along with protecting the vulnerable patients that we come into contact with on a daily basis. If then any issue arose, then the Trust would work with the committee to deal with the matter. There will also be a change in the way that we “recruit!” new members; full details of these are listed below. This information is all very new so please give the committee a little bit of breathing space so that we can review the impact of these.
New Guidance on Request Collecting:
All members must have an up to date “MEHT” CRB or DBS check to go onto the wards at any time.
Some members may have already have a CRB certificate from a previous check with the Trust. If you do, you will have the certificate – the Trust do not have any. You will then need to take this to the trust so they can check it and record the number and date of it. If they are happy that the certificate is still valid – you may then go onto the wards (as long as you still follow HRC guidance that you go with another member who will need to be DBS checked).
You can either take your certificate and attend in person at the HR offices or you can scan your certificate to them.
HR office is based on the 4th floor of the West Wing (almost 2 floors above us). They are in ward C452 (you need to walk towards the end) and are open from 9 – 5pm.
e-mail address is
They will also be attending the AGM so can check certificates then as well.
The trust will not keep a copy of your certificate – this is yours, and any copies will be destroyed by the trust after they have recorded the details they need.
You also need to ensure that HRC has a copy of the same details – again the only thing we will need to record is the date of your CRB/DBS and the number. This will be stored on our Membership Data Base; which is a secure document information area.
If you need a DBS Check you need to do the following:
1. Complete a DBS Form – these are in reception
2. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully as if you make a mistake or miss a part out your form will be rejected
3. Get the necessary documents you need (See table below)
4. Either attend the HR Offices (address above and I would recommend arriving before 4.30pm) or bring completed paperwork and documents to the AGM as there will be an HR officer attending to carry out the checks. As soon as I have the times they will be attending I will let you know. If you attend the office, you need to allow up to 15 – 20 mins for the checks to be completed
5. Once you receive your DBS Certificate you need to send a copy to the Trust and to HRC (the same process as above)
On advice from the Trust – section e asks about any convictions, cautions, reprimands, final warnings etc. This used to be referring to any criminal conviction that has already been finalised. The Trust have said if you have any type of actions that is currently going through any Court of Law you must declare this. This includes a speeding ticket. This isn’t anything to worry about, it is just a change in the Disclosing and Barring Service (DBS) checks
There is no cost to any Member for this check; this check is for MEHT only so if you need one for any other organisation, you will need to arrange a separate check.
DBS Check paperwork:
You need to take 1 piece of ID from box 1 and 2 further documents from either Box 1or Box 2. I have just highlighted a few of the choices you have – for a full list please go to
At least one of the documents must have your current address on.
Box 1:
• Passport – must be current and valid
• Current Photo driving licence – both parts
• Birth Certificate
Box 2:
• Current driving licence – both parts
• Birth certificate
• Marriage/civil partnership certificate
• Adoption Certificate
• HM Forces ID Card
• Mortgage Statement – issued in last 12 months
• Bank or building society statement – issued in last 3 months
• Bank account opening confirmation letter – issued in last 3 months
• Credit card statement – issued in last 3 months
• Financial statement eg pension – issued in last 12 months
• P45 or P60 statement – issued in last 12 months
• Council tax statement – issued in last 12 months
• Utility bill (Not mobile phone) – issued in last 3 months
• Letter from head teacher or college principle ( for 16 – 19 year old in full time education). Please note this is only used in exceptional circumstances if none of the above can be met.
HRC Recruitment:
All potential new members of HRC will require a formal documented interview (this can be in the style of our choosing). A record of this will be kept by HRC and 2 references must be supplied. Until these references are in place and returned to us then a potential new member cannot start at HRC. I appreciate that this is going to slow down the recruitment of new members but I am working on some ideas that the Trust are keen on, so will keep you updated when confirmed.
However all current “Trainee” members will need to ensure that they have supplied two references to HRC before they can become full members.
HRC will then keep a copy of interview notes, references and DBS check on all members.
References will need to be from a selection including current employers, previous employers, Head-Teacher, Tutors at college, members of the community that are of “good standing” such as Police Officers, Nurses – similar from the list that you would need to counter sign your passport. The HR Department are going to help HRC with this so we can ask them any questions regarding who can provide a reference. Potential members can also use one character reference but not from a family member.
I hope this information hopes to clarify the situation, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
Sam Jenkins