Loves a bit of 70's and please call him Jimbo!
Nickname (past or present): Jimbo |
What day and time do you present/volunteer on HRC? Mondays 7pm |
Do you present your own show? No |
When did you join Hospital Radio? 3rd March 2014 |
What made you choose to volunteer for HRC?Interested in radio and like to put something back in to the community |
What do you enjoy most about HRC? Seems a friendly team doing a great job for the patients at Broomfield hospital |
Favourite music genre? Most 70s music but I like music from all decades and genres including house and club music |
First album ever bought (LP or CD)? With The Beatles |
Favourite artist/band/singer? Too many to choose but John Lennon always a favourite but love Adele, Prince, Joni Mitchell |
What is your most influential music memory?Sharing a dressing room with The Specials in my playing days |
Favourite single, 7”,12” or MP3 (for the younger generation)? Rain – The Beatles |
Biggest artist to inspire you musically and why? A hard one – always loved The Who, Lynrid Skinryd |
Best live concert or performance you’ve seen? The Beach Boys at Lincoln festival 1972 lol!! |
Away from music, what do you enjoy most?Photography, dabble in art, history |
What is your current occupation or study status? Retired but enjoy the learning curve of digital music production on DAW |
If you were hosting a dinner party, which 5 famous people would you invite (dead or alive)? Tony Benn, Keith Moon, Anareun Bevan, David Bowie |
If you could go back in time, what era would you travel to and why? 60S California |
What would be your ideal Holiday Destination?Honolulu |
What would be your perfect Sunday? Lazy read of the papers with full English breakfast. Early afternoon stroll followed by a nap before Sunday dinner. |