Duty Officers (Non-Executive Officer)
Duty Officers (DO) are the face of Hospital Radio Chelmsford (HRC) to most of the membership so your professionalism, communication and leadership really do effect people’s commitment to and perception of HRC. To ensure a common high standard of representation of the service here are suggestions collated by both Committee and DOs to aspire to:
- DOs should be trained on Myriad/ show presenting to a common high standard so they in turn can nurture trainees to the service.
- Each DO to attend a periodical review at Committee level relating to their accomplishments. This is to assist the DO should they require training or have member issues needing help with.
Awareness and Communication
- Ensure DOs are abreast of HRC through following HRC Forum/ announcements generally.
- DOs to attend and contribute to Committee meetings: Get DO feedback and agree Committee objectives
- Create a positive team environment. Lead the team by example, acting as a role model and supporting and encouraging their continual improvement.
Take pride in your show, think how it sounds to the patients.
- Be constructive with trainees as they TO. Avoid derogatory remarks in front of their peers.
- Nurture suitably talented individuals to become capable of deputising so cover available when DO off. This will also lead to individuals emerging as replacements should DOs need replacing.
Team Working
Assist MDO/ new trainees mentor with induction into service.
- Not everyone gets on with everyone, there are different personalities and some people won’t mix well. Don’t force people out by ignoring them. If you feel an issue is developing feed back to the MDO or Committee to address the matter.
DO’s to undertake basic guidance in the second studio if numbers and another
TO allows during Request Shows.
- Fill out induction forms for trainees as tasks are completed.
Reinforce other opportunities outside presenting such as programming, engineering, fund raising and publicity. Everything is available if the member wishes to try their hand.
- Allow trainees on the desk during shows. The DO should be facilitator not dictator. In fact if there are enough qualified people DO’s shouldn’t even have to TO.
- Facilitate new trainees to get on the formal studio training programme once have gained basic familiarity with the studios.
- Make sure trainees get opportunities to experience all aspects of request show: ward visiting, answering phones, presenting and TOing.
Punctuality and Organisation
- Encourage team arrival at 19:30, or as early as, whenever possible. Well prepared shows kick off on time and are presented to a superior standard.
Ensure they know what the arrangements are for the following weeks show.
Regular contact with members regarding future availability.
- Delegate request collecting duties for following week where practical and know who else will be available.
- Book one, three, six and 12 month reviews with trainee members and MDO to complete trainee induction sheet.
Studio Responsibilities
Make sure all members sign in and guests fill out guest book
- Advise Committee/ Hospital of any dangerous situations or issues where there is a potential risk (e.g. Broken or faulty equipment which might be dangerous)
Ensure Request Show operates per Programme Controllers written direction.
- As necessary contact Programme Controller/ Committee when there’s no cover
Ensure entrants of ‘whodunit’ and list of ‘can’t believe it’s not on Myriad’ and
Request Show logs are lodged appropriately
Ensure CDs and equipment are put away after show
- If available make sure Smile magazine holders are full and are also located in departmental reception areas around the hospital.
- Participate and follow the cleaning rota and encourage members to take pride in the state of their studios.
- Take responsibility to escalate issues and changes to appropriate Committee members
- Be aware of the health and safety in our environment- fire procedures and first aid kit location