Respected Programme Controller John Simons wrote up his Top 20 tips for a radio presenter. Some not relevant to HRC.
Here are the Top 20 traits of great Presenters:
1. They air-check themselves to identify issues to fix
2. Prep before and paperwork after the show
3. Talk to one person On Air at all times
4. Don’t bring problems to the studio
5. Know their target audience
6. Paint pictures with words
7. Share their life On Air every day
8. Keen to learn new skills
9. Are friends with sales department
10. Always out in the community
11. Promote their fellow Presenters
12. Well turned out and on time
13. Laugh at themselves and often do
14. Hometown Proud
15. Control stress when things go wrong
16. Never sexist, racist or bigoted
17. Always pre – read scripts
18. Listen to the station they work on
19. Are well read but not false
20. Can be relied on in a crisis